The Virtues app

Energizes you daily to apply the virtues in your pursuit of happiness.

Inspired by Ben Franklin's system to achieve moral perfection.

Made for ones who value reason, purpose, and self-esteem.

(free, coming soon)

Ben Franklin's System

In 1728, at the age of 22, Ben Franklin conceived the "bold and arduous project of arriving at moral perfection." He first identified his governing values, then he made a concerted effort to live his life, day in, day out, according to these values. To that end he devised a chart of virtues —one in focus each week— to track his own daily adherence to moral principles. He used that system for the rest of his life.

We've adapted his system to modern technology and rational moral principles.

The Virtues app is free to download, and coming soon for iOS and Android.

Join as beta tester

To Happiness!

Your pursuit of happiness requires reason, purpose, and self-esteem. To achieve these values one should understand and live by specific principles, known as The Virtues: rationality, selfishness, independence, integrity, honesty, justice, productiveness, and pride.

How it works

Each week, one virtue is in focus.

Each morning, you are offered a new quote to inspire reflection and deliberate practice of that virtue.

Each evening, you assess your excellence for the day in practicing that virtue.

Your personal cycle of virtues lasts eight weeks, then a new cycle of virtues starts, with a different sequence.

The private progress chart tracks your moral practice and perfection across the days and weeks of each virtue cycle.

The virtue quotes you receive are fresh every day, not repeating for years.

Your daily practice and progress chart are completely private.

Each cycle of virtues and each weekly progression of virtue quotes are uniquely generated for you, not in common with other users.

The Virtues is free to download, and coming soon.

Key Features

The Virtues

Live by these principles


A renewed focus on one virtue each week


Daily quote to help you adhere to the weekly virtue


Observe your progress with week-by-week charts


Achieve moral perfection


Your convenient guide to the essential virtues

The Virtues is free to download, and coming soon.